In reply to Rostov's inquiry as to how this matter was going, he promptly drew from under his pillow a communication he had received from the commissioner, and a rough copy of his answer. 为了回答罗斯托夫询及的案情,他立即从枕头下面拿出一份他从委员会方面接到的公文和他草拟的答复。
Rough sets theory is a new mathematical tool used to copy with uncertain or fuzzy information which can discover implied or underlying the rules or principles from huge amounts of information. 粗糙集理论是一种新的用于处理不确定性和模糊性知识的数学工具,它适合于从大量复杂的数据中发现隐含的、潜在有用的规律。
Write it out in rough and then copy it. Wu Sun-fu remembered the telegram and realized that Tu Chu-chai was still there, sitting on the other side of the table. 于是荪甫方才记起了那电报稿子,并且记起了写字台对面的高背沙发里还坐着杜竹斋。
Write it out in rough and then copy it. 先起草稿,然后再抄清。
Write it out in rough and then copy it. She fumbled with her notes and began to speak. 先起草稿,然后再抄清。她手忙脚乱地翻找讲稿,然后开始讲话。